Energy Clearing with Essential Oils

In the realm of energy work, it's not uncommon to accumulate what's termed as "dirty energy" from various sources, whether through direct interaction with people or being in crowded and negative spaces. This can leave practitioners feeling drained and depleted, a phenomenon all too familiar to those in professions centered around healing and therapy. The significance of energetic self-care and proper energy management techniques becomes paramount in maintaining one's vitality and enthusiasm in such careers, as highlighted by insights from Pranic Healing training which underscore these very principles.

Addressing the challenge of cleansing one's energy field, the blog outlines a comprehensive approach involving a combination of cord-cutting visualizations and the use of specific essential oils. Cord-cutting, a technique aimed at severing negative energetic ties, is described as essential for those who regularly engage in energy work, offering a pathway to reclaim and purify one's vibrational space. The subsequent step of energetically cleansing oneself through visualization, smudging, or utilizing essential oil-based recipes is depicted as an equally crucial practice to restore balance and ensure a healthy flow of energy.

To assist in the energy clearing process, the blog introduces various recipes employing the therapeutic qualities of essential oils. Highlighting salt baths, sprays, and roll-ons infused with oils like sage, lavender, and frankincense, readers are provided with practical methods to disintegrate undesirable energies effectively. These remedies not only aid in energetic purification but also serve a dual purpose in enhancing overall well-being, demonstrating the versatile benefits of incorporating essential oils into one’s self-care regimen.
essential oils, energy, cutting cords

Peek inside our NEW Mindfulness ABC's Children's Book!

Wouldn’t it be nice to have an easy way to introduce empowering mindset concepts, self-care skills, and relaxation tools to the children in your life?

Wouldn’t it be powerful to have a bedtime book that helps your child go to sleep with gratitude for the day? For it ALL - from the magic to the tough lessons learned even disappointments?

And wouldn’t it be empowering for them to believe in themselves and create their dreams & even dream bigger, knowing that they can achieve anything with the right mindset?

Well then…..I am very happy to introduce you to Mindset Master ABCs!!!


Holiday Wellness-Minded DIY Gifts!

Holiday Wellness-Minded DIY Gifts!

The Holiday Season is such a sweet opportunity to show Love & Appreciation to those that Bless our lives. Instead of getting caught up in commercialism and stress of shopping, what about sweet, thoughtful wellness-minded DIYs that are perfect for everyone on your list!

Even better, GATHER with others during our community Gather & Gift Holiday DIY ZOOM Monday November 15th , 2021!

Our Gather & Gift DIY will be from 7:30-8:30EST/4:30-5:30PT via ZOOM

We will make roll-ons, Room Sprays & Bath Salts!
All you need is to purchase your chosen supplies (Amazon links with options below) and
choose the perfect recipes for those on your list! (recipe ideas below!)

Summer Fun = Sun Safety

Summer Fun = Sun Safety

This blog was inspired by my day yesterday, which began with an 11 mile hike in the hot desert sun and ended with serious dehydration and heat exhaustion. May these preventative measures be something we all implement in the future to have a Summer full of Sunshine, Safety, & FUN!

(and yes, I’m recovered, grateful for my amazing resilient body, and will be much more diligent in the future!)

dehydration hiking electrolytes sfp sun hiking sunblock sunscreen insect repellent cooling towels camelback hydroflask water muscle recovery

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep: at home & on the road

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep: at home & on the road

Good health starts with GOOD SLEEP! It is literally as important as good nutrition and exercise.

A good SLEEP HYGIENE ROUTINE can really give you wonderful benefits, not just reflected in your sleep quality, but also your overall mood & mindset. Let’s talk about what we can do throughout the day and in the early evening to support a good night’s sleep, whether you are home or on the road!

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