Wouldn’t it be nice to have an easy way to introduce empowering mindset concepts, self-care skills, and relaxation tools to the children in your life?
Wouldn’t it be powerful to have a bedtime book that helps your child go to sleep with gratitude for the day? For it ALL - from the magic to the challenges and tough lessons learned?
And wouldn’t it be empowering for them to believe in themselves and create their dreams & even dream bigger, knowing that they can achieve anything with the right mindset, work, and perseverance?
Well then…..I am very happy to introduce you to Mindset Master Series and Zen, the Mindset Monkey, who will journey with your child on an exploration of relaxation & mindset tools, positive affirmations, and uplifting values such as kindness, patience, & honesty.
Our first book, Mindset Master ABCs is ideal as a read aloud bedtime story for ages 3-7 although all ages will appreciate the thoughtful questions that will inspire sharing opportunities, affirmations, and experiments to experience together!
As you read this book together, ask the questions & practice the experiments/experiences WITH your child. Since our WORDS are only 7% of our communication, you are invited to EMBODY the emotion/state/quality as well as share authentically. YOU FEELING THE FEELINGS will model those qualities for your child as well as anchor those positive states more deeply for yourself.
Let’s have a peek inside!
Zen, the Mindset Monkey, joins us on explorations of values, mindfulness philosophies, and experiments that will create a foundation of self-care, self-love, empathy, and confidence for your child.

From Kindness to Helping, Gratitude to Truthfulness, this bedtime book will help you recap the day with Focus on successes, gratitudes, and goals as well as reframes and celebrations on challenges and lessons learned.
But wait! There's more!!
The end of the book is full of Activities to further your experiences and explorations of healthy choices- from the thoughts we think to the food we eat!
Did this book help you in some way? If so, I’d love to hear about it and deeply appreciate Amazon reviews! Honest reviews will help the book become more searchable on Amazon, making it easier for more parents find and share these experiences & concepts with their kids- contributing to a life-long foundation for happiness & success!
Get your copy or review your experience with Mindset Master ABC’s HERE! And Thank you!
A portion of the proceeds for all Mindset Master Books benefits Children’s Educational non-profit, Yoga Journeys!
Learn more about Yoga Journeys and additional free resources for kids, parents and educators here!