I get the question often from those who recently took the LEAP into RV livin’:
“What do I need? What do you recommend?”
Well, here ya go!

My little camper, Shaktipod, is a cute R-pod 180! Shakti is a Yoga term roughly defined as the Feminine Life Force energy of the Universe. When I decided to embark on this adventure, I consciously decided it would be a ‘surrender experiment’ of Life unfolding FOR me- deeply inspired by Micky’s Singer’s book The Surrender Experiment. Hence, as a yogini with an R-pod, Shakti-pod and I hit the open road!
My recommendations revolve around making set up easier as a single traveler, making my space homey, cozy, and ‘mine’, creating peace of mind, accommodating my active lifestyle that included biking and my love of boondocking (camping off-grid without hookups).
Let’s start with the most practical- safety, peace of mind and ease of getting set-up!
Let’s talk tires!
Checking your tire pressure regularly is of course important. I travel with the Kobalt 120v & 12v Portable Air Compressor that plugs right into my Jeep12 volt adapter or into the outlet on my R-pod when I have shore power.
Okay, let’s get to the fun stuff! Making the camper “mine” and homey was important to me! I am an avid ‘oiler’ as many of you know! These cute spice racks are PERFECT for my oils! (I do have reflectix behind the oils to repell the heat that sometimes is absorbed by the wall since we never want to 'heat' the oils)
I use these wall anchors without any problem as they are under an inch. No hole preparation is required and they secure well into the R-pod wall which is Styrofoam. I’ve also used them for some pretty heavy file cabinet style wall mounted organizers on the hollow wall between the bathroom and kitchen!!! They are rated to hang up to 50 pounds even on gypsum wallboard!

My other FAVORITE purchase that I enjoy daily is the most comfortable chair on the planet! If you like a firm chair or need extra support, this is not the one for you, but if you like comfort, this oversized camping chair is big enough for me to sit cross legged in, recline on with my feet up and relax in for hours!
Are you a boondocker? A good solar setup makes camping without electricity a piece of cake! My Renogy 100 watt briefcase Solar briefcase has not let me down.
I did get these extension cables so I can easily park in the shade but leave my solar panels in the sun! This cute Luci Solar Light is inflatable so it doesn’t take up much space and is super sweet for indoor or outdoor use with lots of fun colors to choose from! I usually hang it on my door railing at night!
My bike set up is another of my most favorite things! I chose straddle trailer hitch mount set-up so I can simply transition the bike rack to my Jeep when I’m ‘parked” and want to drive to some mountain bike trails! When I am driving I can also see my bike(s) in the rear view mirror and not have to wonder if they fell off my RV bumper!! I use this hitch tightener to stabilize the slight wobble that developed after it loosened after a few thousand miles! There’s a solution to every problem!
My #musthave camping blog wouldn’t be complete without my 2 favorite Young Living Camper must-haves! #1 Thieves Household Cleaner. It’s super concentrated so you just put an ounce in 30 ounces of water. I use it for EVERYTHING- from washing the camper to cleaning the kitchen! It won’t asphyxiate you when you’re cleaning a small enclosed space like the bathroom and it’s safe for kids and pets! Its plant based, a powerful cleaner, and is even BENEFICIAL to our immune a respiratory system- what other cleaner can say all that?! Curious about Thieves? Learn more here.
My other must have for traveling in the Young Living Insect Repellant. It’s free of harmful synthetic chemicals, safe for kids and yes- furry family members too- and REALLY WORKS! This is coming from someone who loves playing in the deep back woods of the east coast. I just reapply every few hours. More plant-based, safe options for ‘Fun in the Sun’ here!
Two things that will make parking and set up easier are this camper leveler/chock all-in-one that you just drive the low side of your camper onto various heights! Especially if you’re parking solo (or want to avoid any parking tension with your partner), just pop in and out of the car a few times instead of dealing with the endless lego game of block levelers! A few inches takes you up and down easily between 1/2" & 4" increments!
This Camco drill bit and a cordless drill saves you from using the crank to lower your RV Leveling Scissor Jack! It’s such a luxurious treat during set-up after a long drive!!!
Finally, we will end with some practicality!
I LOVE this digital door lock and not having to deal with or remember my keys! I installed it myself in a few minutes with just a screw driver! (Don’t be impressed. It was THAT easy!)
And on the subject of locks, I got this hitch lock for peace of mind. I did get a cheap $20 hitch lock initially, but after watching the video on Proven Locks of those cheap locks being broken within seconds, I decided to make the investment to protect my little Shakti-pod. Locks keep honest people honest, right? Well, this lock, will keep the dishonest ones honest too!

Happppppy Camping!
Comment below with questions and YOU’RE favorite camping must-haves!